Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Truth about Prophet Mohammed

Prophet Mohammed : Incarnation of Tripurasur in Kaliyug - (Bhavishya Puran)

This article has been published referring to the exact words of the holy Bhavishya Purana, the Dharmagranth of Hindus. Protesting against this article will mean hurting the Religious sentiments of Hindus for preventing them from publishing what is in their Holy Religious Text

It is an understanding of the mass that the teachings of Prophet Mohammed are completely ideal. After him, his followers wrongly interpreted the Holy Quran and did all acts leading to tyranny and destruction. But this is incorrect. In Bhavishya Puran, Maharshi Vyas has already written that “in Kaliyug, Tripurasur will take birth as Mahamad and will establish a demoniac religion.” The roots if Islamic terrorism lie in this demoniac religion (Islam) established by Tripurasur.

Foresightedness of Maharshi Vyas

Hindus are astonished seeing the forecasts made by Nostradamus. But Maharshi Vyas wrote ‘Bhavishya Puran’ 5000 years ago. Hindus are unaware of many incidences that have been narrated in it with utmost perfection. Maharshi Vyas wrote in the ‘Bhavishya Purana’ that “Tripurasur (a demon) will be reborn in Kaliyuga as ‘Mahamad’ (Mohammed Paigambar) and will establish a demoniac and destructive religion.”

The ‘Pratisarg parva’ of Bhavishya Puran (Adhyay 3, Shlok 5 to 27), describes ‘Mahamad’. Shri. P.N. Joshi has translated the Bhavishya Puran from Sanskrit to Marathi, the literary translation is given below. The clarifications are in brackets. “The Shalivahan’s had ten generations. They reigned for 500 years and when they departed there remained no limitations of the Bhoolok for them. The tenth King, Raja ‘Bhoj’ was powerful. He with ten thousand soldiers, Brahmins & Kalidas set off for universal conquest. Crossing the Sindhu, he conquered the ‘Mlencch’ (A barbarian or foreigner that speaks any language but Sanskrit and not subject to the usual Hindu institution) in Gandhar and the ‘Shath’ in Kashmir. King Bhoj grabbed their treasure and then punished them.

In the mean time, an illusory mlencch named Mhamad arrived with his preceptor (acharya) and his disciples to him. King Bhoj worshiped the idol of Lord Mahadev in the Marusthal (land of deserts) with the panchagavya (the five products derived from the cow) and sandal etc. King Bhoj prayed to Lord Mahadev, “O Girijanath who stays in the marusthal (land of deserts), I offer my prayers to you. You have forced maya to destroy Tripurasur; but the mlencchs are worshiping you. You are pure and sacchidanand swaroop. I am your sevak. I have come under your protection.”

Lord Mahadev then said, “Let the King go to Mahakaleshwar (Ujjain). O King, the land where you are standing, that is popular by the name of Bahik (Baltic), has been polluted by the mlencchs. Their exists no righteousness in this horrible land of Bahik. The mahamayavi (highly illusory) Tripurasur whom I had burnt has again come there. He is the one who is increasing the demons and is casteless. He has attained a boon from me and is becoming popular by the name of ‘Mahamad’. He is fast in demoniac actions. That is why O King, please do not come in this demoniac land. O King, you will be purified by my prasâda (offerings).”

Listening to this, King Bhoj returned back to his kingdom. Mahamad too acompanied him to the banks of the river Sindhu. Affectionately he said to King Bhoj, “Your Lord who is expert in all arts, has now become my slave. See how he eats my left over food.” King saw all that happened. Kalidasa seeing the King engrossed in the illusion created, said to the illusory Mahamad, “O cunning Mahamad, you have constructed an illusion to hypnotize the King. I will destroy the wicked Bâhik (the one who stays in Bahik land).” Saying this, the glorious Brahman performed a ceremony of chanting the navârß jap ten thousand times. He made offerings of one tenth of those in a sacred fire (hom). As a result, the illusionary mlencch transformed into divine ashes. Seeing this, his disciples’ fleed to the bahik lands. They buried the ashes of their Guru and stayed there itself. That place is named as Madaheen (presently known as Madina). At night, the cunning mlencch (Mahamad) who was transformed in devine ashes, taking the form of a demon said to King Bhoj, “Your Ârya dharm is the only dharm that is superior of all. But by the orders of God, I will create a demoniac religion. My fellowmen will be those who will do circumcision (Sunthâ), will be without shikhâ (the tuft or lock of hair left on the top of head at tonsure – one of the distinguishing marks of the Hindu), will have beard, will loudly hum in tune (âlâp), and will eat every thing (sarvabhakshak). I am of opinion that one should eat everything but pig. As the Kushas, their sanskar will be done by MUSAL, hence their musalman sect will make all other religions impure. Such will be my demoniac (Islam) religion.” He said so and went off. Later King Bhoj returned home. The reality of Islam has been written by Maharshi Vyas 5000 years ago.

The Dynasty of Prophet Mohammed

Mohammed was born in the holy city of Mecca in Arbastan. Since ancient times, this city was a famous pilgrimage. Mohammed’s family name Quareshi is derived from Kuru-ishi, a sanskrit word which states its relation to “Kuru Vansh”.

Mecca – a pilgrimage

Mecca was Hindu’s ancient pilgrimage. There was a famous Kaba Temple in Mecca. As explained in Quran, this temple has existence for 4000 years prior to birth of Mohammed. According to historical evidences of Muslim, this temple had 360 idols. The following shlok is found in Harihareshwar MahatmyaHaHarihareshwar Mahatmya.

“Ekam padam gayâyâtu macâ yâtu dviteeyakam Triteeyam sthâpitam divyam muktyai shuklasya sannidhau”

Meaning : Lord Vishnu’s foot prints are embedded in three main places in the world. Those holy places are Gaya, Mecca and Shukla teertha.

There was a renowned Shivaling in the Kaba temple of Mecca, (Which was worshipped by King Bhoj) holy foot prints of Lord Vishnu and total 360 idols.

Destruction made by Mohammad

During Mohammed’s time, all the Arabs were idol worshipers. Mohammed’s family too were idol worshipers and his family was bestowed with the duty of looking after the Kaba Temple. During that time, Mohammed started a movement against the prevailing idol worship. Mohammed had to withdraw back and escape from Mecca to Madina city as there was increased anger and agitation from the opposition. Later Mohammed gathered his followers and prepared an army, which fought against Hindus in Badra, Uhun and Alayas. Then he marched towards Mecca and defeated the Hindus. He then forcibly converted the Hindus and those who resisted were literally slaughtered. Mohammad demolished all the 360 idols in Kaba temple, removed the Shivalinga and put it on the southeast wall of the temple.

Today’s Kaba Temple

Shivling at Kaba temple, worshipped to please Lord Shiva.

Kaba temple's real origin has been hidden by thick blanket of black cloth

According to the Hindu culture, the Kaba Temple is made up of saffron coloured stone. To hide the proofs of Hindu culture and the distruction done by Mohammad, the temple is covered by a thick black cloth (Kiswa). (As it is, muslims keep everything covered) No where in the world do the muslims put pradakshina (going arround the idol in the temple). Yet in Mecca, for the Shivaling, they shave off their hair on the head and face, wear clean white cloth like the brahmins and put seven pradakshina (because it was an old ritual of Kaba temple). To hide the secrecy of Kaba temple, non muslims are not permitted in the sorrounding area of 35 miles around Mecca. All the Haaj pilgrims have to maintain the secrecy of the place by taking an oath.

The followers did what Mohammed did

Strong and powerful Asurs (demons) like Tripurasur and other asurs are the energy flow for Islam. Mohammed (Tripurasur) on the power of sword with destruction, established Islam. His followers imitating him spread violence, cruelty and savage worldwide. Islam really means “Peace”. But this peace means, graveyard silence. If we have to oppose the followers of Mohammed, we need to recognize the illusory demoniac and evil spirited faces of Mohammed and his followers. To resist this, we need to surrender to God and be competent on both gross and subtle levels. Sincere prayers at God’s holy feet that may such knowledge awake the sleeping Hindus!


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